Friday, December 23, 2011

It's a White Christmas After All!

Hello! It has again been quite a while since I've posted, but hopefully I can escape this busy streak in 2012! Lately, we haven't had much snow, and it's been almost melting away due to rain (ICK!)
Today, however, we finally got a decent snow covering! It's going to be a white Christmas after all! That also means some nordic skiing for my sister and me tomorrow! (YEAH! :] )
For this holiday weekend, my family and I will be dog-sitting for some neighbors. They have two very sweet dogs that I look forward to caring for. I'll get some photos of the snow tomorrow, but for now, have sweet dreams of Yuletide joy! -Kathy.


  1. Hope You've enjoyed Your time away for the holidays. Here's wishing you a great 2012!!
